vendredi 22 février 2008

Gina Glimmer

Cold white marble. Scattered naked bodies. Formal, strict architecture. Desperation and chaos. See the tension for yourself. Gina Glimmer exhibits her hommage to Spencer Tunick at the Experience Italy sim.

Du marbre blanc et froid. Des corps nus éparpillés. Une architecture stricte et formelle. Désespoir et chaos. Ressentez cette tension par vous-même. Gina Glimmer expose son hommage à Spencer Tunick sur la sim Experience Italy.

[13:59] Gina Glimmer: So during one of my visits to Ex.It the idea came up to me to do a Tunick event here
[14:00] Micalita Writer: It 'been difficult work with a large number of avatar?
[14:00] Gina Glimmer: hmm I wouldn't call it difficult
[14:01] Gina Glimmer: It took me an hour to get all the avatars on their pose balls and the only real worry I had was that I hoped no one would loose patience and back out
[14:02] Gina Glimmer: Besides that, i had great help from the Ex.It team and Peter during the preparation of the pose balls

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